Choosing the Right Shoes for Your Wedding Dress

Whilst there can be no doubt that your wedding dress will be the star of the show when it comes to the big day, your choice of shoes comes a close second. After all, you will want a pair of shoes that perfectly complement your choice of bridal gown, accentuating and completing the outfit. It isn’t as simple as it sounds however, as whilst the ideal dress and pair of shoes might work fine by themselves, they may not work well together and that’s why we’ve put together some top tips to help you select the perfect bridal shoes:

Match the shoe to the theme

It isn’t just your dress that you need to co-ordinate with but also your overall wedding theme. If you’re planning a more laid back, outdoors event then stiletto heels may not be the most sensible option – even if you think they look fabulous, you’ll be sinking in the grass before you know it. It would be far better to opt for chunkier or kitten heels to help you tackle those grassy surfaces with ease.

Complement your dress choice

When selecting your bridal shoes, don’t be afraid to contrast the style with your dress as it will help you to create a better overall outfit. For example, if your dress is simple in style, why not try accessorising with a more glamorous pair of shoes? Jewels, bows and ribbons can all accentuate the shoe and embellish your bridal outfit.

Match colours wisely

Whilst some brides will be daring enough to opt for colourful shoes, most will want to stick to the traditional neutral colours. It is just worth remembering that bridal shoes are available in a wide choice of shades from white to cream and if your dress is at one end of the scale we’d recommend matching your shoe colour as best as possible to the dress. Or, if you can’t match them why not try silver tones as these should complement most bridal gowns.

Tie in fabrics

As with the colour matching, it is important that the fabric of your shoe complements the fabric of your dress. Satin shoes, for example, work well with dresses made from shiny fabrics, whereas lacy dresses may be better complemented by lace shoes.

Happy feet

Once you’re satisfied that you know the best colour, fabric and style of shoe to choose we’d recommend you try on more than one pair as at the end of the day you will want to be comfortable. If you’re going to spend a lot of time on your feet or are planning on hitting the dance floor, comfort will need to be at the top of your list.

At Georgina Scott Bridal we offer a range of bridal accessories including shoes, to complement your choice of wedding dress so please do browse our website or ask at your appointment and we’ll happily help you to select the perfect bridal shoes.